2014년 3월, 4월 MariaDB twitter 주요 소식

MariaDB twitter – https://twitter.com/mariadb

최근 3월부터 마리아디비의 행보가 빨라 졌다.
2월부터 관련 소식들이 하나씩 늘어나더니 3월, 4월은 관심을 가질만한 내용들이 많다.

4월 9일
A new book available in Korean: Real MariaDB : MariaDB 10.0과 MySQL 5.6을 함께 배우는 – 628 pages long, order it now! http://buff.ly/1qqanYg

4월 4일
MariaDB 10 Global Transaction IDs explained – a blog post by @SkySQL http://ow.ly/vq8vC

4월 4일
MariaDB adds NoSQL features to relational database roots – #mariadb @gigaom http://ow.ly/vpVKX

4월 4일
The MariaDB Client Library for C just got much better and also the JDBC driver has been improved! https://blog.mariadb.org/mariadb-client-library-for-c-2-0-and-maria-jdbc-client-1-1-7-released/

4월 2일
MariaDB introduces page compression and multi-threaded flush in InnoDB https://blog.mariadb.org/significant-performance-boost-with-new-mariadb-page-compression-on-fusionio/

3월 31일
Release MariaDB Enterprise 2! Performance tuned, Enterprise Tools and Global Support. http://bit.ly/1hM0BLA http://ow.ly/i/54dLX

3월 31일
MariaDB 10.0.10 is now released as a stable (GA) release! Download it. Try it. Test it. Give us feedback! http://buff.ly/1iQDH90

3월 23일
MariaDB Cookbook has been published! http://daniel-bartholomew.com/wordpress/2014/03/mariadb-cookbook-has-been-published/

3월 20일
Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster on Debian/Ubuntu https://blog.mariadb.org/installing-mariadb-galera-cluster-on-debian-ubuntu/

3월 13일
#MariaDB solves Big Data Analytics with version 10 http://ow.ly/uqm4P

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